Reside 2024

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Navigating Property Inspections: A Comprehensive Guide for Landlords & Tenants

Under the Rental Housing Act, incoming and outgoing inspections are mandatory. Both tenants and landlords/agents are obligated to be present for the full duration, and sign off on the resulting inspection forms – complete with time- and date-stamped inspection photographs.

While many view this as little more than an inconvenient bureaucratic hurdle, Jacqui Savage, National Rentals Manager for the Rawson Property Group, says inspections are actually a crucial safeguard for everyone involved. “Inspections protect the interests of both landlords and tenants,” says Savage.

"Property inspections are crucial for both landlords and tenants, offering a clear framework to record a property's condition at the start and end of a rental agreement. By following the correct procedure, disputes are minimised, repairs are promptly addressed, and deposits are swiftly returned."

Incoming Inspections:

"Prior to occupancy, incoming inspections document pre-existing defects, preventing disputes at the lease end. Additionally, they aid landlords in planning strategic maintenance or improvements, enhancing the property's long-term value."

Outgoing Inspections:

"Conducted before lease termination, outgoing inspections assess damages caused during tenancy. While normal wear and tear is expected, damages incurred by tenants are deducted from the deposit. Transparency in repairs is paramount, with receipts provided upon request.

In-Between Responsibilities:

"Effective communication is key during the tenancy period. Tenants must promptly report issues to landlords to prevent further damage. Landlords, in turn, should ensure routine maintenance is addressed promptly to minimise disruption. Ultimately, collaboration and transparency benefit both parties, safeguarding their rights and interests throughout the lease agreement."

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